Green Tales Project

Environmental education through arts and digital tools for primary schools

Green Tales Project

Environmental education through arts and digital tools for primary schools

The Green Tales Project, Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, is presented as an innovative and forward-looking initiative. It uses tales to raise awareness about environmental education among children who came from underprivileged and migrants backgrounds in Europe. Through the creation of stories, artistic activities, and digital tools, the project aims to engage children in a creative and inclusive educational path, promoting sustainability and respect for the environment.

Purpose and Target Audience of the Project

The primary purpose of Green Tales is to provide quality education on environmental awareness, using the arts as a tool of expression and learning. The project involves 100 children from Germany, Iceland, Spain, and Turkey. These young participants will have the opportunity to interact with 12 professional artists during 15 art workshops organized in each school. The educational process will be supported by 8 teachers, who will guide and support the children journey.

Activities and Implementation Methods

During the project, 8 short stories inspired by the four elements of nature: earth, air, water, and fire will be created. These stories will be illustrated, set to music, and transformed into an animated film in digital format, creating a rich and multidimensional educational experience. The use of visual arts and music, combined with digital technologies, will enable children to express their creativity and learn in an engaging and meaningful way.
Training courses for teachers will be organized in the four countries involved in the experiment, focusing on digital skills. These courses aim to provide teachers with the necessary tools to integrate environmental themes into their curriculum, using digital technologies effectively and creatively.

Partners of the project

The Green Tales Project is supported by a prestigious network of partners, each bringing unique expertise and significant added value to the project. The main partners include organizations specializing in digital technology, storytelling, artistic and environmental education, which closely collaborate with IYMF to ensure the success of the initiatives.
In addition to the European Fairy Tale Route Association (EFTR), there are seven partner organizations that participate to the project: International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation (BE), Fundacion Yehudi Menuhin Espana (ES), MUS-E Deutschland e.V. (DE), World Human Forum (EL), University of Cukurova (TR), University Haskolinn a Akureyri (IS), and SAS Panodyssey Holding Group (FR). Furthermore, the two partner universities provide essential scientific and methodological support, contributing to the formulation of recommendations and guidelines for the replicability of the educational model suggested by Green Tales.

Presentation and Dissemination of Results

The activities of Green Tales will culminate in the presentation of the results of the artistic workshops in the schools of Adana, Akureyri, Berlin, and Ceuta. On these occasions, children and artists will have the opportunity to share their creations with teachers and parents, promoting an active and engaging dialogue on environmental awareness.
Experts from the two partner universities of the project will produce guidelines on how to promote social inclusion and well-being in primary education systems, using the arts as an educational tool. This will support a holistic approach to teaching environmental awareness through artistic practices.

Communication and Dissemination Tools

The success of the Green Tales Project will depend on its ability to reach a wide audience and effectively disseminate its results. The European Fairy Tale Route is the leader of communication and is responsible for creating various communication tools, including the official project Website.
The website will be a central reference point where detailed information about the project, ongoing activities, and educational materials created during the project can be found.
The social media channels of the project partners will play a crucial role in disseminating information, allowing us to reach a wider audience and directly engage the community. Through posts, videos, and regular updates, the social media channels will help keep the project’s attention high and encourage active user participation.
Additionally, conferences, national and international events, workshops, newsletters, and press releases will be organized. These activities will create opportunities for discussion and sharing, fostering the creation of a support network and collaboration among the various stakeholders involved in the project.

Conclusions and Expectations

The Green Tales Project represents an innovative and inclusive approach to environmental education, highlighting European diversity and talent. Through the production of digital stories centered on respect for nature, children will have the opportunity to develop greater environmental awareness and express their creativity in meaningful ways.
IYMF, the organization promoting the project, aims at bringing the highest quality of artistic education to children while increasing its network with additional partners who bring new skills, and competences. The results of this approach will be disseminated within the IYMF MUS-E network and the EFTR network among the spheres of environmental, educational, and cultural stakeholders.

Green Tales is a pioneering project that not only promotes environmental education through the arts but also fosters social inclusion and the well-being of children, creating a repeatable and sustainable educational model for the future.